Case Study

Jet's Pizza OrderAI Case Study

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Jet's Pizza is a growing chain of 400+ locations around the United States. The brand's success is built upon their distinctive Detroit- style pizzas and endless pursuit of creating exceptional customer experiences. The Challenge Phones were ringing off the hook, but franchisees couldn't stay staffed Aaron Nilsson joined Jet's Pizza as Chief Information Officer in 2019 with a mission to revamp the company's tech stack and tech-enabled customer experience. As the labor market turned south in the Highlights The Challenge High call volumes during busy shis were overwhelming staff and leading to missed phone orders, lost revenue, low employee morale, and high turnover rates. Franchisees struggled to keep stores fully staffed, especially during peak times. The Solution Find an automated phone-ordering AI that could reduce staffing requirements, especially during peak hours. Connect the AI to Jet's Pizza's menu and point of sale for seamless ordering through natural language. The Results Liberated staff from the phones, reduced stress, increased retention, and outsmarted labor shortages. Higher ticket values, order frequency, and customer return rate through AI ordering experiences. HungerRush OrderAI Phone & Text Ordering Boosts Jet's Pizza Sales by $6M. C A S E S T U D Y 29% reorder rate among text marketing recipients [ $6M per month in revenue through HungerRush OrderAI Talk and Text [ "Four years in and more than a hundred million dollars later, we are seeing better KPIs and better financials coming out of the orders that originate with HungerRush OrderAI products. For a while we were able to get by on just our pizza. Now, pizza plus technology. We're gonna be crushing it into the future." — Aaron Nilsson, Chief Information Officer

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